Customised therapy and coaching

Supervised therapy or coaching is an individual journey to a better version of yourself!

<p>Our multi-day therapies help you overcome blockages.</p><p><br></p><p>Themes such as trauma, loss, fears or uncertainty are guided through in-depth conversations and practical exercises in a comfortable environment.</p><p><br></p><p>After these sessions, you will have gained valuable tools and insights to move forward independently.</p><p><br></p><p>You can also count on aftercare, even after returning home. Our after-care package offers support and guidance in case of any relapses.</p><p><br></p><p>Contact us for a personalised proposal that suits your specific problem. We are always ready to help you with trauma and anxiety.</p>


Our multi-day therapies help you overcome blockages.

Themes such as trauma, loss, fears or uncertainty are guided through in-depth conversations and practical exercises in a comfortable environment.

After these sessions, you will have gained valuable tools and insights to move forward independently.

You can also count on aftercare, even after returning home. Our after-care package offers support and guidance in case of any relapses.

Contact us for a personalised proposal that suits your specific problem. We are always ready to help you with trauma and anxiety.

Another question about therapy?
<p>In a quiet ambiance, comfortable surroundings and with the guidance of a personal coach, you might start your new life here.</p><p>In a few days, you will experience the power of a personal coach supporting individuals or groups in achieving their goals and developing their potential. ,</p><p><br></p><p>Through structured conversations, reflection and targeted actions, a coach will help you overcome obstacles, discover new perspectives and make positive changes in your life.</p>


In a quiet ambiance, comfortable surroundings and with the guidance of a personal coach, you might start your new life here.

In a few days, you will experience the power of a personal coach supporting individuals or groups in achieving their goals and developing their potential. ,

Through structured conversations, reflection and targeted actions, a coach will help you overcome obstacles, discover new perspectives and make positive changes in your life.

Check the availability


An introduction to coaching. I didn't think I needed a coach but became curious anyway because of the good conversations I had with Sandra beforehand. After an introduction, I already get a completely different view on things and Sandra opened a few "drawers" that I had not yet seen myself.


I did a Numberology session with Sandra. How special this is. As if someone crawled deep into my soul and brought out all the answers I have been searching for myself for years. I was a bit sceptical about numberology but this is almost unbelievable. Thank you Sandra for all the answers you have given me


Many people will agree with me that raising children is not easy, but sometimes I reach the limits of my patience. I had a very open conversation with Sandra about adolescents and the adolescent brain in particular. I received a few pointers that I can definitely use going forward. Thanks Sandra


Did an introdcution into coaching with an open mind. Actually, I was focused on growing my business faster but the conversation soon went in a completely different direction. "My" direction. Apparently I don't know myself well enough yet but with newly acquired knowledge about myself, I can move forward with even more confidence in my entrepreneurial drive.